The LitTerra Foundation aims to develop and support corpora and tools for the digital humanities work. Although the aim of the foundation is providing language-agnostic set of tools (most tools are either general or support a significant number of European languages), the primary focus of the foundation is

  1. the promotion and protection of cultural heritage and contemporary art in Serbia and Serbian home countries (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro)
  2. support our partners and projects we are part of and as such we especially support: English, French, Russian, Norwegian languages

Our tools and corpora are primarily focusing on the field of multi-lingual literature, but we also support other forms of cultural and artistic expression and generally support multimedia content.

The LitTerra Foundation is formaly supported was formed at the initiative of the ChaOS NGO.

The systems provided by the foundation are:


  • Bukvik is an online collaborative system for DH (Digital Humanities) research, designed with a focus on an adaptive approach to a researcher’s (or a group of researchers’) specific needs, discussion, reproduction of experiments, versioning of experiments and data, visualization of results, and Open-Science with agile research.


  • LitTerra is the world of literature; a place where readers can explore books and navigate through them. It is a place where readers are travelers again, where writers are guides, and scholars are explorers again.
  • LitTerra enriches books in many ways, spatially, temporally, through entities, writing style, character analysis, intertextual; interactions between books and writers, among others.


  • WriTerra (formerly Cvrkut) is an ecosystem for writers and translators. It helps them to write creatively, organize their creations and enrich the writing process with stylometric analysis, references to external knowledge, and others text versions/translations, among others.
  • WriTerra supports social processes between writers, where they can help each other, seek and offer suggestions on their work.

You can find out more about the projects on the page LitTerra Projects

The members of the LitTera Foundation are:

Sasha, Mile, Rudan,, University of Oslo, Norway, PhD Candidate, Computer Science / Uppsala University, Sweden, Researcher

Lazar Kovačević,, Inverudio, MsC, Machine learning, SEO

Eugenia Kelbert,, University of East Anglia, UK / HSE University, Russia, PhD, Comparative Literature & Translation Studies

Siniša Rudan,, ChaOS, Serbia, MSC, Science + Art

LitTerra Foundation advisors are:

Tamara Butigan, National Library of Serbia, Head of the International Cooperation

Toma Tasovac, DARIAH-RS, Head of DARIAH-RS

Miroljub Stojanović, National Library of Serbia, Head of Digital Libraries

Andrija Sagić, "Milutin Bojić" Library, Head of Digital Development Department, IIIF Ambassador, CORE Ambassador